"Simply put, my art is my inner self, exploding outwards, the day to day things, the joys of life and its' great events, the sadness that comes and goes, always intertwined with the beauty of nature, the one place I go for peace and balance. If one knew how to look at my art, they could see my every thought, feel my every feeling, hear my every word. But that is mine alone to experience. My art is for you to experience in your own way, your own thoughts, your own feelings, your own words."
For the month of October, we are featuring Susan Lapp. Her work will be predominantly showcased throughout the gallery. DON'T MISS IT!
Susan Lapp will be painting on site at the gallery
Saturday, October 12th between 1 and 3 pm
Come by, say "hi" and meet the artist in action!
SUE TUPY is featured in the summer issue of Arabella Magazine as an Artist to Collect.
Buy your copy at Chapters today!
Matilda Swanson Gallery 185 Marsh Street Clarksburg, On N0H 1J0
Many new works by Anna Green, Jon Houghton, Bonnie Gardiner and Peter John Reid. Will return to normal gallery setup for November. Happy Fall!
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